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Home » Indonesia » Island Bali » Batik 
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Brazil 12
China 191
Costa Rica 190
El Salvador 215
France 70
Germany 297
Greece 235
Indonesia 368
Island Bali 368
Barong Dance 73
Batik 19
Hindu Wedding 73
Juwellery 6
Painting 19
Stonemason 29
Wood Carving 23
Japan 55
Kolumbien 103
Latvia 13
Malaysia 253
Netherlands 61
Norway 91
Philippines 414
Russia 190
Singapur 88
South africa 120
Spain 278
Thailand 194
Tunesien 359
USA 215
Ukraine 188
United kingdom 189


The island of Bali is part of the Republic of Indonesia, the largest archipelago in the world with over 18,000 islands.

A popular tourist destination known for its natural attractions, perfect climate and relaxed atmosphere, this island of flowers, temples and friendly people is considered a real gem by travelers worldwide, known for its highly developed arts, including dance, sculpture, painting, leather and metalworking, and music, especially that played on the gamelan.
Religion: Hindu (muslim) 93.18%, christian 4.79%, protestant 0.72%, buddhist 0.66%, others 0.64%