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Home » Germany : Berlin, Cologne, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Nuernberg, Stuttgart
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The Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, or simply Germany, is one of the world's leading industrialised countries. Located in Central Europe, it is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea, to the east by Poland and the Czech Republic, to the south by Austria and Switzerland, and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Germany is a democratic parliamentary federal republic, made up of 16 states called Länder, which in certain spheres act independently of the federation. Historically consisting of several sovereign nations with their own history, culture as well as religion, Germany was unified as a nation state during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870/1871.

Population: 82 Mil.(2006)
Religions: Protestant 34%, Roman Catholic 34%, Muslim 3.7%, unaffiliated or other 28.3%
Languages: German

Berlin 59
Cologne 77
Erfurt 61
Frankfurt 54
Nuernberg 26
Stuttgart 20