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Singapur 88
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Brasilien 12
Rio de Janero 12
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Rio de Janeiro's harbour is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The entire city truly is a beautiful site from every view. Beaches such as Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon are popular among locals and world travellers alike. As large cities go; Rio is by far and away my favourite.
A huge statue of Christ known as "Corcovado" overlooks the entire city and harbour and looks out towards the Atlantic.
Carnival is larger and more wild and crazy in Rio than any where in the world. A week long party with dancing and costumes characterizes Carnival and it is a passion among Brazilians. Here the hundreds of Samba schools (dance schools) parade down a central avenue and are judged in many different categories.

Maracanã stadion
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