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Startseite » Großbritanien » London 
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Singapur 88
Kolumbien 103
Brasilien 12
China 191
Costa Rica 190
Deutschland 297
El Salvador 215
Frankreich 70
Griechenland 235
Großbritanien 189
London 189
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Norwegen 91
Philippinen 414
Russland 190
Spanien 278
Südafrika 120
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Tunesien 359
USA 215
Ukraine 188


London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom and is the most populous city in the European Union.An important settlement for nearly two millennia, London is now an international leader in finance,and its involvement in politics, education, entertainment, fashion, media and the arts contribute to its status as a major global city.
The city is an international transport hub and a major tourist destination, counting iconic landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace amongst its many attractions, along with famous institutions such as the British Museum and the National Gallery.

 interkontakt.net   asiankisses.de   latinlove.org